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Nokia S40 Tricks
  •   Hide your Folder Icon in Nokia S40 mobile:
    Rename your folder with ".ota" extension (for ex. Rename Folder1 to Folder1.ota)
  •   Decorate your mobile gallery in Nokia S40:
    Rename your folder to .nth extension. (For Ex. Folder.nth )
  •   Increase volume of radio and Music Player in Nokia s40:
    Go to setting >> enhancement setting >> use text phone > turn it to YES
  • this can hang a mobile phone:
    Go to your message editor, write any 25letters followed by dots....... Like this.. Dots should be more than 120. Now send this message to your friend., and see magic ( Work with only s30 Nokia phones  like 1100, 1110, 1208, 2100 etc.)
  •   Hide Folder without any Software in Nokia S40 phones.
    This trick is very simple friends.You don’t need any thing for this trick. Just simply follow the steps and your work will be done:
  1.     Create a folder of any name like abc.
  2.  Move the files you want to hide.
  3.   Now just add the extension .jad like if you have abc folder rename it to abc.jad.
  4.   Now create another folder in same directory with the same name but different extension of .jar.  (example abc.jar)
  5.   now your main folder will hide and it will not be shown.To simply see the original folder rename the  visible folder and your hidden folder will appear. This trick is tested and is free from any side enjoy hiding your private data.
  •   Minimize your S40 Nokia mobiles:
    Open any application and hold press the volume +key. That's it now your application is minimized.. Enjoy
  •   Copy  Tones,Games and Themes in Nokia S40:
  1.  Go to Nokia's Default Browser. How to Open Default Browser. Go To. Music Player--> Options--> Downloads--> Go To Address--> Erase rtsp://
  2.  Copy the following Commands:For Themes:file:///c:/predefgallery/predefthemes/ Black.nthFor Tones:file:///c:/predefgallery/predeftones/predefringtones/Nokia Tone.aacFor Games:file:///c:/predefgallery/predefjava/predefgames/Racing 3D.
  3. jar Rename the File name to whatever that you want to copy.
  4.  Save the file to Memory Card