#*2565# No Blocking (General Defence)
#*7288# GPRS Detached/Attached
#*7287# GPRS Attached
#*7337# Restarts Buzz (Resets Wap Settings)
#*6837# Shows Software Version
#*3849# Restarts Phone
*7465625*28746# Auto SIM lock ON
#7465625*28746# Auto SIM lock OFF
#*7326# Shows Accessory
*2767*927# Wap Reset
#*3676# Format flash
#*2834# Shows Audio Path
#*3270# To Activate/Deactivate DCS Support
#*3282# Activate/Deactivate Abstracts
#*3476# Activate/Deactivate EGSM
#*4760# Activate/Deactivate GSM
#*4864# Shows White Screen#*0277# GPRS Switch
#*2077# Switch on/off GPRS
#*2027# Switch on/off GPRS
#*0227# Switch on/off GPRS Switch
#*2775# Switch to two close speaker
#*2337# Permanent Registration Beep
#*2474# Charging Duration
#*22678# Resume Play
#*77261# PCM Rec Req
#*77262# Stop PCM Rec
#*77263# PCM Playback
#*7828# Task screen
#*22672# Stop AMR REC
#*22673# Pause REC
#*22674# Resume REC
#*22675 AMR Playback
#*22676# AMR Stop Play
#*7200# Tone Generator Mute
#*3888# Bluetooth Test mode
#*22677# Pause Play
#*2286# Battery data
#*2679# Copycat affection Activate/Deactivate
#*3940# External loop test 9600 bps
#*2558# Time ON
#*5176# L1 Sleep
#*7462# SIM Phase
#*7983# Voltage/Freq
#*#8377466# S/W Version & H/W Version
#*2562# Restarts Phone
#*3353# General Defence, Cipher Erased.
#*22671# AMR REC START
#*2886# Auto Answer ON/OFF
#*7666# White Screen
#*7693# Sleep Deactivate/Activate
#*7986# Voltage
#*77264# PCM Stop Play
#*22679# AMR Get Time
*#8999*364# Watchdog ON/OFF
*#8999*427# WATCHDOG arresting avenue setup
*2767*3855# Full Displace (Caution every stored abstracts will be deleted.)
*2767*226372# Camera Displace (deletes photos)
*2767*688# Displace Mobile TV
#7263867# RAM Dump (On or Off)
#7465625*77*Code# Disables SP lock
*7465625*28782# Auto subset lock ON
#7465625*28782# Auto subset lock OFF
*7465625*2877# Auto SP lock ON
#*5376# delete all sms
#7465625*2877# Auto SP lock OFF
*7465625*746*Code# Enables SIM lock
*7465625*28638# Auto Network lock ON
#7465625*28638# Auto Network lock OFF
*7465625*2827# Auto CP lock ON
#7465625*2827# Auto CP lock OFF
#7465625*746*Code# Disables SIM lock
#*7288# GPRS Detached/Attached
#*7287# GPRS Attached
#*7337# Restarts Buzz (Resets Wap Settings)
#*6837# Shows Software Version
#*3849# Restarts Phone
*7465625*28746# Auto SIM lock ON
#7465625*28746# Auto SIM lock OFF
#*7326# Shows Accessory
*2767*927# Wap Reset
#*3676# Format flash
#*2834# Shows Audio Path
#*3270# To Activate/Deactivate DCS Support
#*3282# Activate/Deactivate Abstracts
#*3476# Activate/Deactivate EGSM
#*4760# Activate/Deactivate GSM
#*4864# Shows White Screen#*0277# GPRS Switch
#*2077# Switch on/off GPRS
#*2027# Switch on/off GPRS
#*0227# Switch on/off GPRS Switch
#*2775# Switch to two close speaker
#*2337# Permanent Registration Beep
#*2474# Charging Duration
#*22678# Resume Play
#*77261# PCM Rec Req
#*77262# Stop PCM Rec
#*77263# PCM Playback
#*7828# Task screen
#*22672# Stop AMR REC
#*22673# Pause REC
#*22674# Resume REC
#*22675 AMR Playback
#*22676# AMR Stop Play
#*7200# Tone Generator Mute
#*3888# Bluetooth Test mode
#*22677# Pause Play
#*2286# Battery data
#*2679# Copycat affection Activate/Deactivate
#*3940# External loop test 9600 bps
#*2558# Time ON
#*5176# L1 Sleep
#*7462# SIM Phase
#*7983# Voltage/Freq
#*#8377466# S/W Version & H/W Version
#*2562# Restarts Phone
#*3353# General Defence, Cipher Erased.
#*22671# AMR REC START
#*2886# Auto Answer ON/OFF
#*7666# White Screen
#*7693# Sleep Deactivate/Activate
#*7986# Voltage
#*77264# PCM Stop Play
#*22679# AMR Get Time
*#8999*364# Watchdog ON/OFF
*#8999*427# WATCHDOG arresting avenue setup
*2767*3855# Full Displace (Caution every stored abstracts will be deleted.)
*2767*226372# Camera Displace (deletes photos)
*2767*688# Displace Mobile TV
#7263867# RAM Dump (On or Off)
#7465625*77*Code# Disables SP lock
*7465625*28782# Auto subset lock ON
#7465625*28782# Auto subset lock OFF
*7465625*2877# Auto SP lock ON
#*5376# delete all sms
#7465625*2877# Auto SP lock OFF
*7465625*746*Code# Enables SIM lock
*7465625*28638# Auto Network lock ON
#7465625*28638# Auto Network lock OFF
*7465625*2827# Auto CP lock ON
#7465625*2827# Auto CP lock OFF
#7465625*746*Code# Disables SIM lock